How to make this Christmas magical for children

How to make this Christmas magical for children

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For children all over the world, Christmas is a time filled with magic. Family traditions, cheesy old tunes, and spectacular celebrations all come together in a lifelong love of Christmas in our hearts and minds - from childhood all the way through to old age.

But where does that magic come from? Here’s our guide to spreading some seasonal joy for your children, with a little help “From Father Christmas”...

1. A letter from Father Christmas

One of the easiest yet most fulfilling ways to spark festive spirit in your little ones is for them to receive a letter from “the big man” himself.

Whether you print one out or get a friend to write it so the kids don’t recognise your handwriting, sprinkle some magic in a personalised letter from Father Christmas. 

He knows what adventures your little ones have enjoyed this year, and whether they’ve been naughty or nice, so be sure to add those details in!

Be sure to sign it off "From Father Christmas".

Top tip: Add some reindeer pawprints for extra magic. You can draw or paint them, or enlist your cat or dog to put their stamp on it!

2. Make Christmas cards

Get creative this Christmas, by making cards with your family.

Kids love cutting and sticking, so let their imaginations run wild. Plus, you get a unique Christmas card which you can keep for years to come as a family decoration!

If you have a printer at home, use the scanner to scan your child’s designs into the computer, so you can print multiple copies. Or snap a photo on your phone to do the same. That way, little ones can make different designs for a variety of hand-crafted cards.

Top tip: little handprints make for great reindeer antlers. Simply draw or paint the reindeer’s head, dip your child’s hands in washable paint, and press them onto the card facing outwards.

3. Create a festive scavenger hunt

Whether you opt to do it indoors or in the garden, this is a great opportunity for kids to put their problem-solving skills to the test, as they use crafty clues to locate festive items.

Small presents, like these stocking fillers from Party Pieces, are ideal for stashing away in hidden nooks and crannies around the home. All you’ve got to do is come up with riddles or clues as to where the items are hidden.

It’s a great way to keep the kids busy for up to an hour, especially if you’re cooking Christmas dinner!

4. Prepare a treat for Father Christmas

Start a fascination with Father Christmas which is sure to last throughout childhood (and possibly longer), by showing "the big man himself" has visited.

The night before Christmas, lay out some biscuits and milk for Santa, alongside some carrots and parsnips for his reindeer. Ring some jingling bells in the room next door and tell your little ones Father Christmas is on his way - but they need to go to bed so he can visit.

The next morning, place some sooty or snowy footprints near the tree, to show Father Christmas has dropped off his presents. 

Top tip: Use Party Pieces’ handy Father Christmas footprint stencils to add yet more magic to the occasion, for just £3.99

5. Make a “magic” key

Who says Santa has to come down the chimney? At his advanced age, he might prefer something a little more dignified!

If you live in a home without a fireplace, this is a great way to keep the magic alive for your little ones. With his magic key, Santa can visit via the front door, or even through the window. 

Either way, little ones know they’re helping him deliver lots of goodies for them to open on Christmas day.

Top tip: If you don’t fancy a spot of locksmithery, you can make your magic key by drawing one on thick card and cutting it out with a pair of scissors. Another alternative is to reuse some aluminium foil by rolling it into a narrow strip - making sure children are careful not to touch any potentially sharp edges - and shaping it into a key.

6. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow… in your home!

Are your kids dreaming of a white Christmas? Even if we don’t see any flakes on 25th December, you can make it snow at home with just two ingredients!

All you need is a large bag of baking soda and a cheap bottle of white hair conditioner. That’s it!

Simply mix two and a half cups of pure baking soda with half a cup of white hair conditioner in a large bowl. Then, stir the mixture until the ingredients are well-combined. 

While it’s great fun, this activity can get messy. Luckily, the “snow” does sweep and vacuum up from floors easily. The table or surface you are working on will also need to be wiped clean after use.

Top tip: A grown up should supervise children while playing with the pretend snow. Remember to wash their hands after using this “snow” - to prevent any residue getting in their eyes, should they touch their face or rub their eyes.

7. Take the stress out with From Father Christmas

Our personalised Father Christmas package ties in many of these tips and tricks to make it as hassle-free as possible for you to bring fabulous festive magic into your home.

Imagine your child's face when reading a letter From Father Christmas himself.

And that's not all! Inside the festive package, your little one will discover:

⭐️ A personalised "nice" List Certificate

🦌 Reindeer Food

❄️ Magic Snow Glitter

🗝️ Magic Santa's Key

✏️ Large Activity Sheet

🎅🏼 A Postcard From Father Christmas

💌 A Letter for parents/guardians

So, come along and let us create a core Christmas memory which will last a lifetime. With a sprinkle of magic, a dash of glitter, and a whole lot of love, we can help you make this season one your child will cherish forever.


The team at From Father Christmas hopes you and your little ones have a truly magical festive season!

Written by Ben Shahrabi

Images are for illustrative purposes only.

Image credits: pvproductions on Freepik, gpointstudio on Freepik, and Freepik.